An ISO Certified Company 9001:2015
It was some 30 years back Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee and National Building Organization, New Delhi (both Govt Of India research organization) were engaged in developing Door 7 Window Frames of a versatile building material other than wood Govt of India has always encouraged use of substitute building material for wood in order to save forest wealth & environment
For windows rolled steel section, pressed steel sheet sections, aluminum section & lastly fiber glass Material were found to be the best alternatives. However for doors, RCC Door Frames were found to be the best & last option The ease of casting in three pieces, usage of quality moulds to obtain precise dimensional accuracy & super smooth surface revealed that conventional wooden door frames can be conveniently replaced by precast RCC Door Frames.
Studies & researches finally recognization the suitability of RCC Door Frames. Which compelled Bureau ofIndian Standard to formulate Standard specification of RCC Door & Window Frames (IS : 6523 of 1983)
The item of RCC Door Frames have been include since long in the schedule of Rates and Specification of CPWD, PWD (Maharashtra), other state PWD, MES, HUDCO, CIDCO, Indian Railways, MHADA, Housing Boards of Maharashtra & other States, PSU & other Semi Govt. Department etc.
Why RCC Door Frames ?
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